Those That Serve—January 29, 2017

Vol. 2, No. 5 – 2017broom-tree

He went alone into the desert  . .  sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed he might die. 1 Kings 19:1

How is this for hope and change? Elijah, God’s leader, moves from his mountain-top experience into the valley of depression. He does not think of the victory where fire fell from heaven, and 450 false prophets of Baal were routed.

What is wrong with this leader?

This leader runs; takes off. He does not stop to collect $200—he just goes around the board. He gets a death threat and moves into a tail-spin. Think about his spiral.

  1. He does not pray in seeking God’s wisdom; He does not ask if this is what God wants
  2. He does not ask how to address the enemy of his ministry (Jezebel)
  3. By the time he pauses from his run, he is 100 miles south—time to change sandals
  4. He is alone; left his co-worker in Beersheba
  5. He is isolated—in a time of life’s desert
  6. He is tired—running non-stop to escape the pressure
  7. He is disappointed—the victory on Mount Carmel did not bring anticipated change
  8. He is discouraged—he gave it his best shot; it was not enough
  9. He is angry—it is easy to get angry with the stuff of life
  10. He says he has had enough—it is easier to give up when things do not go your way
  11. He wants to die—that will get him away from all his responsibility!

How many of us have been there—even in recent days? We can work ourselves into such a state that we run when God wants us to stay put. We struggle to hear His voice, because we are so busy mumbling about life we cannot hear Him.

Elijah lays down under a Broom Tree and whines about the events of life.

What do we learn from the event?

  1. Grace is woven through the event
  2. When we do things in a wrong way; God does not necessarily rattle us with a sermon—He simply provides our needs
  3. God does not preach here; He simply provides
  4. God does not rebuke here; He offers relief
  5. God knows exactly what we need
  6. God is fully able to come alongside even if we are running on empty; even if we are expended
  7. God knows our emotions
  8. God knows our state of burnout

God knows we need to eat substance, knows we need rest, knows we need activity, knows our medical needs, and knows we need time with our family. God knows we cannot lead when we are on a downward spiral.

God knows when we have had enough. His grace will meet us at our point of need. He will provide the strength we need—He does not want us to run from our problems. God’s intent is to walk alongside of us so that we may walk for and in Him.

The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

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January 29, 2017

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