Profiles in Leadership—Tired Leadership that Never Gives Up—March 19, 2017

never give upVol. 2, No. 13 – 2017

Gideon (and his warriors) were very tired, but they kept on pursuing the enemy. Judges 8:4 Too pooped to participate? Keep on keeping on! Ready to throw in the towel? Victory is near.

The frog in the picture on the right has the right attitude–he never gives up!

The victory was almost won, time to scale back and bring your warriors home. Right? It is a matter of preserving the warriors’ lives, a matter of money, a matter of good image before your constituents. Right?

The enemy is almost defeated, under 98% control—is 98% really good enough? How many of us would be satisfied with a dentist who drills the right tooth 98% of the time, or a surgeon who cuts of the right leg 98% of the time. It is rather a foolish question is it not?

Gideon, tired, urges his warriors to move forward. He does what is necessary to fulfill complete victory. River crossings are blocked. He uses those who did not serve him as a result of their own pride and jealousy (they wanted a share in the spoils of victory, but it is not uncommon for people to want government funds with little contribution to the effort). The Ephraimites did not want to risk their own lives for their brothers in need; however, they were willing to do small things away from the battle to at least gain something for themselves.

Gideon and his warriors were tired, fed up with the lack of participation by those of the nation that could help. It is infinitely easier to quit than to endure. Quitting leaves scars and wounds that affect lives longer than one ever expected them to stay. God’s word to leaders is, “Do not quit!

An uncle of mine was a paratrooper in WW2. He, along with his unit, was dropped behind enemy lines in the Battle of the Bulge, the last great offensive of the German Army (lasting from December 16, 1944—January 25, 1945). Uncle Wayne survived—only five of his group did survive. His assignment was to cut the German communication lines; he did so at a high price—he experienced frost bite in both feet.

The doctors wanted to amputate his feet, saying he would never walk again. He refused the amputation, walked, and lived well into his 90s. He never gave up, running a large nursery business and operating a horse-drawn carriage service for weddings and events in upstate Washington.

  1. Glen Cunningham, who was threatened with leg amputations, and then became a great Olympic runner calls his efforts DEDICATION.
  2. Winston Churchill calls this NEVER GIVING UP.
  3. Thomas Edison calls this TRYING ONE MORE TIME.

How is it with you; do you as a leader keep pressing on, even in the midst of being tired? Remember as a leader you are developing following leaders who will do what you do, as you do it. What do your following leaders look like?

     Do not get weary of doing what is right, do not get discouraged, do not give up. Galatians 6:9

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March 19, 2017

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