Those That Serve are Responsible—April 23, 2017

Vol. 2, No. 17 – 2017time

We are each responsible for our own conduct. Galatians 6:5

I have experience in leadership and management—29 years in business, 15 years in ministry, 12 years in education, and 10 years in consulting. No, I did not do this separately; however, the experience is well-documented.

One of the things that has amazed me (and disappointed me) over the years is the significant number of managers and leaders who have the idea that the most important thing for them to do is to delegate (and to avoid having to pitch in and help).

There are to be no freeloaders among leaders, staff, and servants in our institutions, businesses, churches, and government. It seems, however, that many think it is their right to let Harry do it.

We are to help others with their overwhelming burdens and tasks, while we manage the load of responsibilities in our own backpack. I have a son that is the principal in a Christian school. One of the things he does is to take young people on hikes, canoeing, white water rafting, caving, and deep sea kayaking. It is not unusual for him to carry the burdens of the young people as they tire of carrying equipment for the trips (along with his own backpack). It really meets the expectations spoken of in the Scriptures.

While others should be able to carry their load, there are times when they cannot do so. A true leader steps in to help.

There are also times when one must step in to help when life throws a curveball. My father died from complications of Alzheimer’s disease. My wife and I lived in another state. When we recognized that we needed to be back home to care for mom’s needs, we sold our home, I changed my ministry position, and moved back to Ohio.

There were times I questioned my ability to fulfill the caregiver role and maintain my own family. I was reminded not only that God expects a son or daughter to fulfill the needs of a parent; but also, I was reminded that God is fully dependable and capable to step in to care for the needs I could not supply.

That is what servant-leaders do, true servant-leaders. Staffs serve leaders, often for years. It is only fair and respectful for servant leaders to fulfill their obligations to those needing aid among their staffs.

The question for you as you read this month’s blog is: “How are you doing with your backpack? Does it have room for others? Can you wear your backpack, and at the same time help relieve some burden another is carrying?

When you look to others in need, are they an interruption; or, is God alerting you to a purposed opportunity to fulfill His plan in their life?

Even one of the strongest leaders our country has ever known came to a place where he needed aid. His wife stepped in to help manage his burden. She was a following leader cast in the mold of her faithful leader-husband. Ronald Reagan was the leader-husband; Nancy Reagan was the following leader.

           I have begun the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life—Ronald Reagan

Each of us must take responsibility for doing their best, and then stretch for the most in consideration for others.

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April 23, 2017

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