If the Bible were a Ring . . .

Vol. 3, No. 32 – August 12, 2018
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

Just over 55 years ago, Donna and I exchanged rings, marrying for life, committed for life. There was another marriage for us (she, when she was 23; I when I was 22). No … we did not dissolve our marriage; we came to Christ. Our dependency of our marriage is vested upon our right relationship in Jesus Christ.

Praise Him for all that He does in our lives.

If the Bible is a ring and the book of Romans the precious stone, chapter eight could shine as the sparkling point of that jewel. –Spener

Chapter eight opens with: No condemnation! The chapter closes with: No separation! The message in between is: No defeat!

In chapter seven we find the story of the man trying to live the regenerated life without the “Regenerator.” The attempt is to be a Christian without Christ as Lord. It is hard to theological reconcile a person claiming salvation, while still remaining a slave to sin and the old life; no effort to change. In chapter seven, also, Paul speaks of Christ’s work for us; in the eighth chapter, Paul writes of Christ’s work in us. In chapter seven, the personal pronoun “I” is used 30 times; in the eighth chapter only two times.

In chapter eight, the Holy Spirit is mentioned 20 times, while in the seventh chapter only once. In chapter seven defeat is turned into victory through Christ; chapter eight begins with instruction, rises to consolation, and culminates in jubilation. –Frank Gaebelein

I defy any man to get out of the seventh chapter of Romans into the eighth except by that one word, Christ. –H.W. Beecher

It is no Sunday School picnic to get caught with you hand in the cookie jar and pronounced by the Judge (mom): guilty!

Condemnation is an ugly word. The sentence of judgment all the way to the execution of that sentence is ugly, embarrassing, costly, and damaging. Webster says it is to declare one guilty of wrongdoing, disapproved, declared unfit for use or service.

The bad news is the penalty, or condemnation, for if that condemnation is for my sin, it brings the outcome of death. Now, because of what Jesus Christ has done for you and I on the Cross of Calvary, there is written across my spiritual accounting ledger, the good news, no condemnation, depending if I have turned to confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

The judgment does not say: no mistakes, no bloopers, no short-comings, no faults, no failures, no humiliations, and that I must always obey my wife. It says: No Condemnation. That is a phenomenal statement to an undeserving person.

The word, “no,” is a little negative adverb of two letters, but it is entire, complete, and absolute. Paul is saying that a Christian or Christian Leader is a person that has to be taken entirely outside the realm of any possible or conceivable condemnation, based on that person being drawn to Christ, responding to Christ, repenting, and declaring publicly that he/she has received the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, and has placed their trust fully and only in Him.

Condemnation? No. Never! Ever!

St. Augustine says in his book, Concerning Grace and Free Will: “It is faith alone which by prayer and supplication accomplishes what the Law commands.

Beloved if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God. –1 John 3:21


Dear beloved friends, if our consciences are clear, (no condemnation), we can come to the Lord with perfect assurance and trust, even though undeserving!

Contemplate how great a loving God we have!

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

August 12, 2018

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