Let the Nations be Glad!

December 30, 2020

Let the Nations be Glad! – Ephesians 2:1-10

Dr. Larry S. Lightner

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. –Ephesians 2:8-10

In our Advent season we have read several devotionals that lead to the birth of the Christ Child, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a wonderous season, full of light, decorations, gifts, and focus upon the unmatched gift that God in His grace and mercy gave to us.

However, thjere is a truth that cannot escape us. Where is the hope for those who have not lived in His day? What does God do for them? While it should be sufficient for us to read the Gospel of John and particularly chapter 1 of the book of Romans, some thoughts ought to draw our attention on this next to the last day of December 2020.

Not long ago at our church we learned a new song, Let the Nations be Glad! The song title is also the title of a book by John Piper, a noted Christian author. The words for the song and a link for the music is also found at the end of this devotional. Allow your hearts to be moved by their content. Should you desire to read John Piper’s book, it is available through Amazon.

Jesus is the only hope available for the nations, and as we see in Matthew 28:18-28, along with the expectation that we, as believers, are to carry the Gospel to all nations (including the folks in our communities, counties, and states). The reality is that when we do not do what is commanded of us we commit what is commonly known to be sin. Sin is missing the mark that God has established. I am well-aware that you cannot browbeat people to do what God says; however, it is good to serve and please our Lord who gave His life for us.

Making the nations glad involves a rescue mission to those who are pleading for safety and answers to their life problems. Little do most know that their reluctance to commit to the treasure of our Savior causes them to be destined to eternal separation from God. People need hope. Hope is available still. It is a great privilege to be able to share the truth of the Gospel with an unbeliever. It is a greater privilege to have them come to the church, grow in the Word, and plug in to the ministry God gives the church.

We also live in times that many come to where we live from other nations of the world. When we are able to speak to them of Jesus and see them come to Christ, we have an opportunity to disciple them and encourage them to connect with those they have left behind. They know the culture, they know the language, and they know what is expected of its citizenry.

Truly the Lord can use us to make the nations glad.

Life Application

How are you doing with those of other nations in your workplace, school, neighborhood, and community? Do they know of your faith in Christ? Do you give them opportunity of asking questions?

Can you be of help to them in getting acclimated to a new situation in life? You can befriend those who come to our country by helping them with their legal questions, medical questions, and other matters. When they see how much you care, you will have opportunity to share your faith in Christ.


  1. In this chaotic world fretful of the COVID-19 OUTBREAK, PRAY THAT God will use you to make the nations glad.
  2. In this world of fear, pray that God will allow you to speak of hope, love, joy, peace, and hope still, to those whom God crosses your path.

Let the Nations be Glad

Let the glory of the Lord forever be a joy

May redemption be the theme of our song

For by grace we have been saved

And by grace we shall proclaim

To the corners of the earth that Christ has come.

Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the whole earth be filled with the praises of the Lord

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the nations be glad

Through the ages gone before

Through the trial and the sword

Many saints and martyrs conquered though they died

Still we’re holding out the cross

Crossing ocean suffering loss

Shall endure all things to win the crown of life

Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the whole earth be filled with the praises of the Lord

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the nations be glad

As your holy church goes forth, in the Holy Spirit’s power

With the glories of the Gospel to explain

Now we pray Your kingdom come

And we pray Your will be done

For the honor and the glory of Your name

Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the whole earth be filled with the praises of the Lord

For salvation belongs to our God

Let the nations be glad

Let The Nations Be Glad – YouTube

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

December 30, 2020

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