Not Home . . . Yet

December 28, 2020

Not Home . . . Yet – John 14:1-7

Dr. Larry S. Lightner

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going. –John 14:1-4

Many folks that I have conversations with speak of what they intend to do during their retirement years. It is almost that they decide to consider the earth as their retirement home. That is absurd. We are not here to retire. In fact, I have yet to discover any reference in Scripture that even alludes to our “retirement.” Yet, I see this concept played out even in the churches. People sitting on their rusty dusties biding their time.

They get caught up in the rat race of acquiring stuff, including a bigger house, a vacation home, a boat, a SUV, and many of the latest gadgets. But they do not exhibit peach, the peace that only God can bring. They live as if the world is all there is when God’s promises are so much more.

The Scriptures point us to live out our moments while we are on this earth. We live in a world that needs redirection toward the values of God, toward His peace He offers.

Reworded, the old Christmas hymn (12th Century), still challenges the heart that needs redirection. God expects our hearts to be focused upon the peace of God, not the chaos of this present world.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

O come, O come,

Emmanuel, and ransom captive humanity,

that mourns in lonely separation here.

Until the Son of God appears again.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

For Emmanuel shall come again to us.

Open wide our heavenly home.

Make safe for us the heavenward road,

and bar the way to Satan’s draw of sorrow.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to us with His promised home.

Life Application

Who you are while waiting is important, greatly important; at the very least, as important as what or who you are waiting for. –Nicky Gumble (adapted). Put your hope in Him. Live as one headed to a forever home. Endure, knowing that this world will fade. Yet, Jesus will forever remain.


  1. Pray for God’s help in living out your daily life for Him.
  2. Pray with a thankful heart for Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace of God to be effective in your life.

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December 28, 2020

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