Waiting for God

December 2, 2020

Waiting for God, Luke 2:25-32

Dr. Larry S. Lightner

Read Luke 2:25-32

There was a man that had hope—hope that God would send the Messiah. Simeon was a Jewish priest. You would think that all priests would believe God intended to bring His Son to earth; so that those who would look to Him would have hope, and those who had hope at His appearance would worship Him, and further, that those who look back on the Christ Almighty God sent, would worship and share the fame of Jesus. You would think.

Unfortunately, not every priest, and not every Jew, believed the Scriptures God provided. Many had their own expectations of the person God would send to be their King. Because they read their own opinions into the Scriptures, they missed the message God sent—for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Many still miss the message today. However, not Simeon—he anticipated God doing exactly as He said He would do.

He waited. His patience puts us to shame. He pled from his heart that he might see the consolation of Israel. In 740 B.C., God sent a message that hope was on the way. That hope would not come immediately. The affliction of the Jews would come. When Hope came, in the person of a babe, the honor of Almighty God came through this great King just born. The King came through the line of David. This is Jesus Christ, who would rule forever. Jesus who gives sure Hope. Jesus who brings sure Peace. Jesus who is sure Joy. Jesus who brings unlimited Love forever and ever to those who would believe in Him.

Forever is a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time.

Israel was looking for a King that would destroy their enemy, shatter their yoke, and break the rod of their oppressors. The One God sent was far better, and exactly the One the Jews needed. God was sending sure hope (Isaiah 9:6). God’s promise was that He would send His Son to free people from the bondage of sin and death.

Simeon’s faithfulness led him to understand that the Messiah, the Promised One, was coming. He patiently waited. People, who listened to God’s speaking of His coming in His Word, trusted God. They understood that His coming would be in the flesh. They understood this promised truth centuries before His birth in the village of Bethlehem.

Simeon is one of those who spoke what they heard from God in their own historical setting and whose words pointed to the coming of Jesus long before His birth. Not only would the Promised One bring restoration to Israel, the Promised One would be a light to the Gentiles. This One sent by God had a purpose and intention in His coming. He would be born to die for all of humankind, and dying to raise to life again, provide sure hope to everyone who would believe in Him.

Life Application

Prophecy tells not only of Jesus’ coming but also the purpose for His coming. Jesus is the Suffering Servant of God who saves those who trust in Him. What have you learned about Jesus from the Scriptures?


  1. Tell God thanks for Jesus who served humbly, resulting in salvation for so many.
  2. Tell God thank you for your salvation, and for the salvation of someone you know.

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

December 2, 2020

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