What Can He Do?

December 4, 2020

What Can He Do? 1 John 3:5-8

Dr. Larry S. Lightner

Read  1 John 3:5-8

This might seem a strange passage for us to consider for this Advent Hope devotional. It does not seem to be a “Christmas” passage. However, the Scriptures are full of Hope, as we shall see.

When I was just married, I was on my way home from work. I came upon an accident. A man on a motorcycle had been forced off the road. He slid his bike under a guardrail, and the other driver took off. I went to aid the cyclist. He was in horrible shape. Another driver stopped and ran to a nearby house to call the police and ambulance. It was a time when no one had a cell phone.

As the emergency people were coming, I took my belt off and put it on his leg as it was broken with his bones sticking through his trousers. He was bleeding to the extent I thought he might die. I kept talking to him to keep him conscious, telling him “Help is on the way.” The man lived. Later, I came to understand that there are no accidents in God’s dealing with people. He, the Father, knows our every need. He sends the hope we need, with grace and mercy.

Jesus is God’s gift to us; we celebrate His coming at Christmas. He is our sure hope. One day, early in my marriage, I met Jesus. He was my help that was on the way. I understood that without His presence in my heart, I had no hope.

1 John 3:5-8 is a clear presentation that our sure hope is in Christ. He appeared in order to take away our sin. He calls upon us to abide in Him. His expectation of those who believe in Him is that we live a life without practicing sin. Jesus came to defeat sin, the devil, and death. His victory is sure. Jesus offers to us His victory. He offers us, not just help on the way, but His presence for eternity.

As we are finishing the first week of Advent devotionals, examine your own heart. Have you placed your trust in the sure Hope of Jesus? If so, tell someone, this Advent season; tell someone what a difference Jesus has made in your life. Then tell that someone what Jesus can do for them.

Life Application

Trouble and pain can be physical or emotional. Have you ever had to sit with someone in trouble or pain, when the only thing you could do was sit there and say, “Hope is on the way?” Have you ever sat with someone in trouble or pain, and shared how Jesus is forever dependable? This Christmas season is the best time to share your love of Jesus with someone who needs sure hope. This Advent season is a great time for us to share Jesus with a neighbor, co-worker, family member, or someone who God crosses your path with; “for God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

Spend some time talking about your Advent celebration this week. What do you want others to see? What do you think is important for others to think about, know about, and to do.


  1. Pray for someone you know that needs the sure hope of Jesus.
  2. Pray for God to show you someone in the church that needs to hear the sure hope of Jesus.

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

December 4, 2020

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