No Unimportant People, None!

Vol. 6, No. 16 – April 18, 2021

No Unimportant People, None!

Psalm 139:14

I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.  –Psalm 139:14

Fact: You are not insignificant to God your creator. You should never believe a person that tells you that you have not worth. You are exceptional to God. He has literally sent His Son to die on your behalf. That points to how valuable you are to your Creator. Do not live your life as if Jesus did nothing for you. Make the most of the life in which you are planted. Do not defraud yourself. When a person deliberately plans to be less than they are capable of being, they bring a sense of worthlessness to the rest of their life.

There are so many believers out there that never begin to do what God planned for them, because they are waiting to be able to sing like Matt Boswell, preach like Alistair Begg, or write like Chuck Swindoll before they start. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created us. The talents and gifts we have were give to us because He has a plan for our life. I wonder how silent the world would be if only a few crickets chirped—and those that did not think they could chirp well just stayed silent. Of course, one of you out there would be glad never to hear another cricket.

You were created unique; created for impact. You have been vested with God’s special gifts and talents to fulfill relationships that will lead to His glory and honor. Think carefully how God views us when we come to Christ. We are not delivered to a repair station to be rebuilt sinners; we are made completely new by holy God! (John 15:15; Psalm 139:14)

I hope that while you are reading these blogs, you get a sense of how unique you are, and that God made you special for His purpose. He has an assignment for you—out of billions of potential applicants, He chooses you! No one else can do this assignment like you.

Life Application

Out of the billions and billions of people God has created, there is no one quite like you. When you come to Christ, you are a new creature with the measure of faith to do what He calls you to do. That is true for every individual creation upon this earth. They are also unique.

A person is never what they ought to be until they are introduced to Jesus. That person is never quite complete on this earth until doing what that one ought to be doing. God does hold us responsible to use what we have within us, but also for what we could have should we follow Him. Every person who follows must obey. Obedience requires following; one cannot do only one—they must do both. How are you doing with this? It makes a great difference in your life. I recommend that life for every unique believer.

This past year, many took out to join ranks with people of their own philosophy. Police Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Babies Lives Matter, and on-and-on. The reality is that there is not a single life that does not matter.

You are unique, and your life matters to many, but especially to God!

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Written by

April 18, 2021

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