No, Not Just The Sky

Vol. 6, No. 26 – June 27, 2021

No, Not Just The Sky

Matthew 7:7; 9:29

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. . .. According to your faith be it done to you.  –Matthew 7:7; 9:29

About 15 years ago Donna and I moved south, near Atlanta, Georgia. You cannot escape the history. If you are not familiar with the history while living here, it will not last, Eli Whitney in point.

Eli Whitney was laughed at when he showed his cotton gin. This invention helped the south in its economic pursuit. The northern guy, Thomas Edison wound up installing his electric light free of charge in an office building before anyone would even look at it. The first sewing machine was smashed to pieces by a Boston mob, fearing their stronghold on labor would perish. Then there were those who mocked the railroads. The rumor was that if you went 30 miles by train that your blood circulation would stop—you would die. It took Morse ten appearances before Congress before they would even look at his telegraph.

You would think the axiom, the sky is the limit, applies. Hardly so!

We should be aware of those who come across the air waves and over the internet saying they have the answer for all our needs. Politicians are notorious for this.

God’s offer is pure truth; His wisdom is pure necessity. Matthew 7:7 and 9:29 are important reading for us. We can attain only in the proportion to our attempt as we follow after God; however, God is always dependable. Strange how many people are persuaded into believing nothing, when God offers pure truth. It is also true that we are never far from the answers we need; answers are available because of our faith. From that truth we discover it is never safe, nor accurate, to look forward without a hold on faith.

Life Application

You can decipher what is in store for someone’s future, at least important facts, based upon what they believe about Jesus. For us personally, this offers great insight to our relationship with Christ. The picture we have of Jesus – not the one hanging on our wall, the one in our heart; the one driven by the Holy Spirit, sheds truth on our lives. Jesus is not simply a good man with good ideas. He is the Son of God, our advocate before the Almighty God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords. Who is like Him?

This past year more and more people began to not hope for the best—they just hoped to avoid the worse. The close of 2020 brought more people into our churches; fearful, angry, unsure, untrusting, and scratching for answers that they might grasp.

Some think the knock on their door is opportunity. They unhook the chain, push back the bolt, turn two more locks, shut down the alarm, only to discover that opportunity is gone. They are pushed back while home invaders take over. They spent all their time looking around, when they should have looked up to God.

Look up. God is there and He is also beside you and in you. Do not miss Him!

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Written by

June 27, 2021

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