New Horizons

Vol. 6, No. 34 – August 22, 2021

New Horizons

John 8:36

So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  –John 8:36

This is a big world. We all live under the same sky—yet we have different horizons. The unique creations of God—those who are believers see a different picture than the world sees. Indeed, the horizons expand; believers most often see the great potential of believers in the world. One of the favorite terms when I attended seminary was formed into a question. What is your worldview? Worldview captures how we function as believers in the world. When we expand our horizons our life view changes. We see things differently.

In my younger years I met a young lady in college. It took only a few days for my “worldview” to change. I could not imagine going through life without connected in marriage to this beautiful young woman. We married between semesters. Today is her 78th birthday. We have been married fifty-eight years. She is still the love of my life—I cannot help but love you, Donna. She changed my horizon.

Today we live in a world that does not respect the Christian worldview. However, the supply of Christians comes under God’s purview. He is always chasing with His grace and mercy. He desires that no one perish, that all might come to salvation through Christ (2 Peter 3:9). As I write these devotionals, I continually work back re-hearing remarks of preachers that influenced my life. There were a lot of pithy sayings. I have the privilege of using some of them. Do not be afraid to take a giant step—if a step is so indicated. If you cross a chasm, little steps are not going to do it!

Our verse above (John 8:36) is short, but it changes the horizon; changes the worldview. Knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior brings freedom, and freedom releases you to be used in Christ’s ministry on earth. That is a major horizon change! You think higher and you see higher. The vision we have as we experience our new horizon are a result of seeing things that were previously unseen or unknown. By the way, that is the key contribution to God placing vision in our lives.

Life Application

If what you did yesterday, or this morning in church, still looks big to you, have you done a lot? It would probably be right to say that Saturday and Sunday were not huge for you. They were average days in your life.

Horizon changes come as we learn from faith expansion. When God stretches us, and we listen, we never snap back to our original shape. When we are challenged, we make decisions. Are we willing to be challenged? Or are we afraid of doing more will have us fail, so we do to little. One of those preachers said, Make sure the road you travel on is not leading to a cul-de-sac!

There are great times when we receive the instruction to launch out into the deep (see Luke 5:4). There is great power available to us when we follow His instructions.

Unless we attempt great things in Christ, we will never see beyond our present horizon.

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Written by

August 22, 2021

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