Be Careful of the Blossoms

Vol. 6, No. 36 – September 5, 2021

Be Careful of the Blossoms

Galatians 6:9-10

Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.  –Galatians 6:9-10

What is your favorite season? Here, my favorite season is Fall. Temps are an average of 78 degrees, and the rains have cut back. Our lawn will still be mowed in December, and the roses and perennials will still bloom into January. God is a God of seasons. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. –Ecclesiastes 3:1. Different things happen in different seasons.

God has a wintertime. It is a season of preparation, revelation, and direction. It is also the time when roots grow down deep. God establishes the foundations so that we can harvest during the wintertime as well. Some think there is no harvest in wintertime, but there is. The seeds of grace and mercy do not know hibernation, they are active all year around.

There is great movement in springtime. God allows this time for planting and nurturing. It is a labor of love, but it is hard work. God has a plan for reaching people with His truth, but the harvest tends to be lighter in the spring. But it need not be so.

Then there is summertime. God allows that summertime is a season of great growth. It is the time for activity, interest, and people responding to God-given ideas. At least that is the plan. In the last many years, summertime has represented only a minimal harvest. But then there is autumn.

Autum time is a busy season—in fact, people call it harvest time. It is also called Fall. The harvests come in in a heavier proportion; the work or activity that is expended. It seems like that although the harvest is plentiful, folks lose their momentum, and many do not complete their harvest work. Too many quit along the way. In fact, in the course of the year, too many do not know what season they are in.

Why seasons? It is during these seasons you prepare to do the right thing at the right time. Seasons inspire us to persevere. God, our great encourager, says, do not become weary in doing good—for there is time to reap if we will harvest!

Life Application

Treat the blossoms well. They are key to the harvest. When you plant the seed, the young plants are designed by God to produce a harvest. However, if we do not take care of the blossoms, they fall off—lose their interest. And harvest will not be the outcome. Only dried up plants that will only be good for the mulching pile.

What season excites you? Have you notices that planting the seeds of the Gospel can result in a harvest any time of the year?

How is your harvest going? Are you taking precautions not to ruin the blossoms? The planted Word is ripe unto the harvest—winter, spring, summer, and fall. Do not miss the season’s call.

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Written by

September 5, 2021

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