Six Things that Seem Impossible

Vol. 6, No. 42 – October 10, 2021

Six Things that Seem Impossible

1 Corinthians 7:20

Each one should remain in the condition in which he was called.  –1 Corinthians 7:20

Start tomorrow! Start in a way that you have never started.

Now if you are into exercises, you will identify with some of what follows. I have to admit, I am not big on exercises. I am, however, still exercising my replaced shoulder. I had a complete shoulder replacement last year in October. I am not celebrating this anniversary of sorts; it was really a brutal event; painful.

Here, in 1 Corinthians, there seems to be a picture of exercise. But different. So, when you get out of bed in the morning, stretch. Stretch your whole being just thinking of the good things God has in store for you. Think, plan, believe, and pray for things that require God’s involvement.

Grab hold of that morning—right at the start. You can even set the alarm—quietly. Most wake and then think they need some extra minutes in the sack. So, they spend an extra hour. Then, they spend the rest of the day trying to catch up on what they missed by sleeping in later.

Someone has said that the first hour of the morning is the “rudder” of the day. So . . .

  • Never begin your day in neutral
  • Take the offense
  • Create a habit of initiative
  • Be the one in charge as if you need to be
  • Be a self-starter
  • Do not be a crank! (Grump, whiner–well, you know the descriptives)

One of the delights of the Devil is giving out duties. He does not care of your plans. So long as you do not do any of them, he does not care. You will never gain what you are unwilling to go after. Your daily approach to life exposes your future.

Seize upon what God has in store for you. Do not let it slip away. When God calls to you, do not look over your shoulder to see who is watching or following you. Re-read 1 Corinthians 7:20. The cruel agony of the cross did not trouble like the indifference of the crowds along the streets to the hill of Calvary.

Life Application

Satan trembles when he sees the weakest believer taking the offensive.

The breakfast of Christian champions is early morning prayer. –Billy Joe Daugherty. (And you thought it was Wheaties!)

God is well-worth our time. When we bring God into our conversation in the morning, right from the start, we finish our days strong.

Start your day right . . . never look back. God steps ahead to lead us in the God-honoring life. Satan and his minions trail behind to harass and criticize our choices. How we respond to God makes a difference in how we handle Satan through the day.

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Written by

October 10, 2021

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