What Lights Your Fire?

Vol.6, No. 08– February 21, 2021

What Lights Your Fire?

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  –Deuteronomy 10:12

I have passions. You do as well. Why—because God makes us a person to be passionate. One sheep with passion is not like the other 99 who have only an interest. Sometimes our passions lead us into making poor judgements. However, the passions that God “installs” in us helps us to bring others to consider their destiny. So, passion from God is a great thing! [Child of God] Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. –Ecclesiastes 9:10 Of course, the passage is a clear warning as to the destination of the unsaved. Read the whole passage.

Every person loves something—our motivation is shaped by what and whom we love. People who apply for jobs are often asked What is your passion? The child of God who ignores their passion ignores one of the greatest potentials that God created within them. It is also true that nothing significant is ever achieved without passion. Jesus is passionate, so much so that He came willingly to die for us—He loves us passionately!

While I was in high school and college, I participated in athletics. In high school I wrestled and defeated the three-time state champion in my weight class. The week before, I lost to an unranked wrestler from a small school south of us. It was humiliating. But most winners are ex-losers who got passionate about what they do! The worst of bankruptcies for a person is to loose their enthusiasm, their passion. When passion is added to your belief and your convictions, your service to God is exponentially increased. All God asks is that your use what He has gifted you, and He will always supply what you are in your own weakness.

Passion brings action through our belief.

Life Application

When you are driven by passionate conviction, you can do anything God desires in your life. You do not give up on your passion.

Without passion we are but a mere presence and just a possibility. We need to receive the spark that lights our fire to serve our great God. Pessimism can never be counted upon to win battles of life.

Would you hire someone to work for you that could not identify their passion? What do you have to offer a world that is truly in despair?

What generates passion and zeal in you is a clue to revealing your destiny. What you love is a clue to something you contain. –Mike Murdock

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

February 21, 2021

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