Ezra set his heart…(Ezra 7:10)

ezra7_10Vol 1, No. 1 – 2016

Someone once said that the secret to success is to “Keep on your toes; put your best foot forward; keep a stiff upper lip; keep abreast of the times; always stick your chin out; do not get down in the mouth; use your head and heart together’ keep your eyes on the ball, and your ears open’ and above all, keep your mouth shut.”

Ezra committed himself completely to God. As in alignment to the saying of today, he was “all in.” All in to the call and to the Person behind the call. Ezra held that the Word of God was the central word in his life.

Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.

What Ezra discloses in his commitment is his character. Regardless of his chosen vocation, his commitment begins through inner character. In the Church my wife and I hold our membership, the mission statement draws upon the character of its people, “passionately pursuing CHRIST to passionately pursue PEOPLE.” The mission statement speaks toward the life of Ezra.

For a person working in a business organization or an education organization, character has great impact. Success is not bound to the foundation received through academic challenge alone, success is vitally connected to integrity.

Note the pointed areas of commitment Ezra held:

  1. Commitment to the Word of God. He passionately engaged in the Book of the Law; passionately pursued truth. In his heart was a focused devotion to Holy God.
  2. Commitment to doing the Word of God. He passionately lived his life to pursue and do what the Word of God teaches. He did not simply pursue the academics of the Word, but he followed the Word so it overflowed his life affecting other people.
  3. Commitment to teach the Word of God. He passionately gave over what God taught him through His Word; he passionately studied, showed, and shared what God taught.

Passionately pursuing of the Word of God can never be divorced from a successful life. Some people are measured as successful only in world system standards; however, one is never fully successful except that he or she is passionately pursuing Christ to passionately pursue people. It counts in every area of life, be it the Church or the community.

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

December 19, 2015

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