Leaders At Times Go Through Troubled Water – Mark 4:35-41

Vol. 2 No. 48 – 11-26-2017

High waves began to break into the boat until it was nearly full of water and about to sink  . . . Mark 4:35-41

Over the years there have been major disasters around water. The Titanic sank with 2224 souls on board—the result was a loss of 1513 lives.

There are hurricanes and tidal waves. Our recent experiences with storms have had major impacts on lives, property, and economies.

In the Sea of Galilee, situated at 680′ below the level of the Mediterranean Sea, winds often come at a surprising time making for a violent sea.

The sea is actually a lake and is a placid lake on the whole, but the winds can get to 100 mph with 12-15 foot waves. Death lurks. It is a stunning sight when the storms come.

In the biblical passage, a storm was fully upon them, and things did not look good. The chance for survival seemed slim to none. Jesus was aboard the ship in the middle of a storm. The occupants of the ship began to holler in fear: “Don’t you care that we are about to drown?”

Jesus had been asleep; not particularly concerned with a storm. He awoke to a rocking ship, and then simply announced: “Winds and waves, hush now, be muzzled.” The storm immediately stops and the water is in a state of dead calm.” That would not happen in our experience—storms die down and take some time to settle. However the leader was in charge of the creation, being God the Son. Whatever He pronounced to the physical creation, the creation obeyed.

Those in the ship were startled and amazed, and began to do what we do, ask: “Who is this man? (41)

  • The same One who spoke creation into being
  • The same One who blew an east wind and the Red Sea separated and the bottom dried up for the escaping Jews
  • The same One who shut the mouths of the lions in a den where Daniel was thrown
  • The same One who shouted to Lazarus to get up and step out of the grave
  • The same One who is present in our present (God of the present who presents Himself to us)
  • Of course, there is much more

It is interesting how a leader operates and where the power derives. It is also interesting to note that in each instance listed above that a crisis existed. The leader’s tendency is to reach out for the appropriate authority and power when there is a crisis—however, in the calm not a lot of attention is paid to where power derives.

We are that way, are we not?

The reality is, as we look back on the events of our lives, storms of life do build character; even the difficult storms. The storms bring us to cry out: God, don’t you care? We need your power and protection!

When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned  . . . the flames will not consume you, for I am the Lord your God, your Savior, the Holy One of Israel” Isaiah 43:2-3

How goes the trek through the storms and waters; what are you learning about the dependency upon God; what are you learning about walking in faith instead of by sight?

Hope you had a healthy and rich Thanksgiving. I was experiencing a storm in life. Emergency surgery that caught me by surprise, and the ongoing difficulty of a new grandson in NICU. God is present and He addresses our storms. So many leaders could learn from Him.

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

November 26, 2017

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