The Leader Touch, Voice, and Heartfelt Care – Mark 7:31-37

Vol. 2 No. 47 – 11-19-2017

The brought to Jesus a man who was deaf and stuttered  . . . Mark 7:31-37

Can you imagine the difficulty of living with a “double whammy” of impediments?

Ludwig van Beethoven was such a man—one of the greatest of composers to ever grace us (1770-1827).

Beethoven’s life had encroaching deafness; yet he produced great works that he could not hear, except in his heart.

There are those who gather at our “feet of leadership” that feel isolated, embarrassed, or otherwise impaired to perform their tasks in life.

A “dual-challenged” man was living on the shore of the Jordan River; in Decapolis. The leader by the name of Jesus (The Christ) used communication to change his life. Jesus provides a stunning teaching lesson for us in the use of non-verbal communication skills: a touch of the hand, the feeling of His fingers, and a look toward Heaven—along with a deep-seated groan.

Too many leaders are long on talk, major on their promises, and are frequently short in their actions. The first thing that Jesus did in this man’s presence, before He said a word, was to begin building a relationship by just “doing it.” He leads the man away from the crowd (7:33), intending for His work with the man to be in private.

Jesus puts His finger in the man’s ear; body language that says to the man “I understand your problem and I intend to do something about it.” Jesus spits [how would that work out where you are in life]. He uses the spittle to touch the man’s tongue. Jesus intends to do something for the man’s inability to speak.

Jesus looks to Heaven because this help resides there—it is there that the power resides for this application. Jesus looks to His heavenly Father for the work that needs to transpire. Jesus sighs as one who takes the situation into His heart. He is demonstrating the quality of love for His neighbor. The man’s sorrows become His sorrows. Jesus never does anything half-hearted—He puts all He is into His work (we really need to read that again!). .

Then Jesus utters one word: Ephphathah—the Aramaic that means be opened. Instantly the man could speak and hear plainly.

Even though this was done in privacy, the effects have tremendous impact on the crowds that were standing apart. They are astounded in great degrees. This leader for the man accessed the available power to make a change in the man; along with adding to society a man of value to impact those around him.

Leaders do that.

Great leaders seek the power available to change lives. They come near those that need their help. They touch them and they speak to them. Leaders express their concern to the Heavenly Father so that the Almighty God will bring His mercy and grace upon the one in need; in order that others will not just get a glimpse, but be impacted for the work they are called to do.

How are you doing with touching, speaking, praying, and seeking the power that is necessary for those who are following you; those for whom you are responsible; those who are your neighbors.

God does not have accidental connections for you. He has always had a plan and purpose for you. He always includes your availability to act in the mercy and care of those He has gathered around you. Do not miss God’s intentions.

Leaders seek God’s power to be effective. If a “leader” does not do this, they are not really leaders; they are clearly something else.


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November 19, 2017

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