We Shout when we get in Trouble

Vol. 3 No. 1 – 1-7-2018

But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:30

Have you ever gotten into a place you knew you were over your head . . . in trouble and didn’t know which direction to turn?

You have heard of Jean-Francois Gravelet, haven’t you? Perhaps you know him by another name, Blondin, tightrope walker and acrobat from London, England.

Blondin crossed Niagara Falls a number of times on a wire, 1100 feet long, and 160 feet above the raging waters. (If you have never been to Niagara Falls, take the memory of this blog with you, you will be amazed at the danger.) Blondin did his tightrope walking in style: blindfolded, in a sack, pushing a wheelbarrow, on stilts, and even carrying a man on his back (not sure I would be that foolish to accompany him in that way!).

How about this: He got to the midway point above the Falls, sat down on a chair, cooked an omelet, and ate it in total relaxed fashion. I want you to now think of Simon Peter.

Peter did some interesting things, many praiseworthy, during his lifetime; however this episode of walking upon the water must wake up our minds to picture the event. No wire . . . no abracadabra . . . no yoga . . . no hidden rocks underneath (some idiocy in theologians think there were rocks that Peter was walking on . . . NOT). Peter was surrounded by obvious danger; faced with an utter impossibility. Yet he found inner strength in his Lord’s command: “Come!” Peter was about to share with Jesus in His suspension of natural laws.

About four o’clock in the morning the whole project blows up for Peter. His eyes were on Jesus; Peter was walking on TOP of the storm and in the next moment he was “in over his head.” I know what falling into the water is like – I fell out of a canoe in Long Lake, NY. It was surprisingly COLD, and WET, and UNEXPECTED.

Peter, soaked to the skin, was rescued by Jesus. The saying is that a Christian or a Christian leader is not a man who never fails; a Christian or a Christian leader is a man who gets up and goes on again every time he falls. Down, but not out. I really want to always be that way; I have some work to do.

“Lord, save me!”
• These are not superfluous words
• There is no unnecessary theology
• There is no time to elaborate on details of why
• There is no time to observe any ceremonial laws
• This is a plea – the quickest, easiest, and most desperate way to reach the heart of God
• Sinking time is always time for prayer
• Failure is to look at self
• Faith is riveted solely on Jesus

We are neither a Blondin nor are we a Peter; however we are out in the midst of the storm and things are contrary in our world. We dare not measure the waves or gauge the wind when Jesus is in charge; He has our back (our head, our heart, our life, and our everything). We dare not give in or even consider to throw in the towel and sink under the circumstances of life.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3

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Written by mlightner@lightcreations.com

January 7, 2018

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