Be glad … be happy … rejoice

Vol. 4, No. 5 

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me  . . . –Philippians 3:1

Life brings many blessings! Yesterday, Donna and I celebratedour 56th anniversary of marriage. We are glad . . . we are happy . .. and we rejoice in our precious Lord and Savior.

Have you ever heard about the fellow that was weaned on a dill pickle? He spent his life sucking on a lemon, and he died eating sour grapes!

Think about that, and the difference people with glad and rejoicing hearts in the Lord experience.

Paul was quite a contrast to that fellow already mentioned.He was high-octane, full bore, all-out in zeal and had PMA (Positive MentalAttitude). The Philippians were not likely to have forgotten how Paul and Silas made the prison walls echo with their songs of praise at midnight, even when wounded by the dreadful scourging they received earlier that day.

Joy is an inward singing that cannot be silenced, or contained, by outward negative circumstances – even when life seems to fall apart!

Therefore, let all believers follow hard after God and rejoice in their ministry all the days God gives them on this earth. Let all believers be happy, contented, glad, and inwardly tranquil because the source and center of our ministry life is in the Lord. Gladness, happiness, and joy is the healing emotion that contributes to our health and stability in Jesus Christ.

Have you lately sung: The Lord hath done great things for us where of we are glad? A singing heart is filled with joy such that one cannot be contained – outward ministry does not cease regardless of our age or condition of life.

Have you ever described someone as having a cherry optimism? It is a tonic that tones up the whole physical, mental, and spiritual character of a person.

When you cultivate your joy you cannot help but steadfastly resist any tendency to murmur or complain; to find fault with God’s dealings; or even to seek or elicit sympathy (the woe is me character). The joyous person resists the temptation toward depression and melancholy as one would resist any form of an epidemic disease.

Joy is not produced by fluctuation of attitudes, fortunes, or changing circumstances. At times in life it is difficult to rejoice in daily happenings, economic conditions, or poor health; however, the inner standard for life in Christ is to rejoice in the Lord.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a joyful person. His friend described him on one occasion: He came into our home this morning with a sunbeam in his face!

Do not leave your sunbeam at the door; bring it with you          wherever you go.

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit . . . hold fast to that which is good.–1 Thessalonians 5:17-21

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February 3, 2019

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