Vol. 4, No. 16 – April 21, 2019
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things that are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3
Take it to your heart! That will seem to be an awesome task. Trying to understand all the details of this book can almost be an overwhelming effort. Revelation is designed to be a blessing in the believer’s life. We must take to heart its message, even if there is not always a consensus on the details.
The first few blogs are going to major on the “sevens” in Revelation. God’s number, the perfect number, is seven. We discover a number of “sevens” in Revelation.
Seven things about Heaven
1 – Heaven is a purged place
Heaven is a purged place; death is not there, only life; sorrow is removed, tears are removed, and pain or suffering is removed. There is no more parting, no more disappointments, no more weariness, and no more evil (Revelation 21:4).
2 – Heaven is a perfect prepared place
Heaven is a completed place; prepared for believers. As His children, we are dependent upon who and what God is. God says He has fulfilled ALL His promises (All means all, and that is all all means!). Our thirst began with our arrival upon this earth; however, Heaven is a place where we will thirst no more. Our entrance into Heaven requires no payment on our part; however, it is at a significant cost to the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven is a perfect prepared place for the redeemed (Revelation 21:6).
3 – Heaven is a praising place
Heaven is a praising place to worship the One Who has loved to the extent of sending His Son to die on our behalf. ALL the first things we experienced in our earthly life have disappeared and we get to praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow (Revelation 21:3-6).
4 – Heaven is a providing place
Heaven is a place that provides for our every need; water, trees, fruit, healing, and much more (Revelation 22:1-2). Our All-knowing God has prepared Heaven to provide for all our needs for all of eternity. Everything we need to serve Him, He provides.
5 – Heaven is a perpetual place
Heaven is a place of perpetual newness (Revelation 21:5; Ephesians 2:7), unlike our new things (cars, clothes, houses, and toys) that wear out, or that we want to replace. Heaven will be forever being new. Even the fruit of its trees provide new fruit every month (Revelation 22:2). God has thought of our every need, providing them, ongoing; there will never be famine in Heaven.
6 – Heaven is a purposeful place
Heaven is a place that provides for every healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2). There is no lack of provision for our healing, and our needs.
7 – Heaven is a precious place
Heaven is a precious place; a place where we will see Our Great God. Even our foreheads will speak of the preciousness of Our Great God (Revelation 22:4). We get to see the face of the One we serve. He is the King; yet He is always accessible. He loves every child of His; He died for each one.
Behold, Jesus is coming soon to take you home to Heaven; His words are faithful and true (Revelation 22:6). Are you ready to go???

Praise the King, He is Risen! Praise the King, He’s Alive!
Today is a special day in the life of the church. While every Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ brings the Christian community together in a way that is different from our usual worship time. I hope that today found you and your family gathered in your local church.
Not a word was heard at the tomb that day Just shuffling soldiers feet as they guarded the grave. One day, two days, three days had passed. Could it be that Jesus had breathed His last. Could it be that His Father had forsaken Him. Turned His back on His Son, despising our sin. All hell seemed to whisper just forget it, He’s dead. Then the Father looked down to His Son and said–
Arise My love, arise My love, the grave no longer has a hold on You. No more death’s sting, no more suffering. Arise, arise, My love
The earth trembled and the tomb began to shake. And like lightning from heaven, the stone was rolled away. And as dead men the guards, they all stood there in fright. As the poser of love displayed it’s might. Then suddenly a melody filled the air. Riding wings of wind it was everywhere. the words that creation had been longing to hear; the sweet sound of victory so loud and clear.
Arise My love, arise My love. The grave no longer has a hold on You. No more death’s sting, no more suffering. Arise, arise, arise . . . –Newsong
The King is risen! The King is alive! Praise the King!