Commitments – at least four

Vol.4, No.55 – January 19, 2020, Countdown to the end – 41

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen –Revelation 22:20-21

Thousands have attended the blastoff of a space shuttle on a clear Florida morning at Cape Canaveral. Telescopes and binoculars are the dress of the day as the rocket heads into its orbit; it is the grand finale of all that must take place.   

God’s very Word begins with, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The very Word of God concludes with God in full control of all the events. His plan is from eternity past; He is unchangeable; not able to be acted upon from outside of Himself (the immutability and impassivity of God).

We are at the conclusion of what God has spoken to us. When we read His Word, it is God Himself speaking to us. His Word is unique, there is none other like Him, and there is no other word like Him. This is the end of God’s Word for earth dwellers, and the end of man’s earthly journey.

The path has been rugged, and many questions remain unanswered, and many problems remain unsolved; however, as man enters eternity in fellowship again with God. All will be answered. –J. V. McGee. Of course, he refers to the position of believers; unbelievers do not have eternal life, they have eternal death, eternal separation from Almighty God..

After the first five verses of Revelation 22, a sightseeing tour of our eternal residence, the apostle John brings four commitments to bear upon us.

Remember that John began the revealing (the Book of Revelation) with a note of blessing pronounced upon those who read, hear, and keep these words.

In conclusion, the Lord Jesus Christ repeats the blessing upon those who keep these words. Reading such makes one contemplate what they think. For what one thinks of God affects how they live their life for God and affects what they think of God.

The Bible is not merely a book to satisfy the curiosity of natural man; God’s expectation is for every created human to live and act upon His Word.

What does John speak of regarding commitments?

  1. We must carefully guard the Word of God (20:6-11, 18-19). We must take the Scriptures, the Word of God, seriously. God means what He says, and says what He means. Humanity might scoff at the facts, deride them, and deny them, however God declares His Word to be faithful and true.
  2. We must be responsible to be faithful (22:12-14). There is an instant coming in which the Heavenly Father allows His Son, Jesus Christ, to effect His promise: I am coming! I will be there soon! I have a place for you! It is prepared specifically for you! Be ready!
  3. We must be His; freed from sin and holy unto God (22:16). Those on the outside are on the dark side. The side of the light is under the finished work of Christ, the Root, the Bright Morning Star. The finished work of Christ settles who we are, where we will be spending eternity, and whose we are.
  4. We must be excited about His return (22:17, 20-21). Come is the grandest, most gracious, and most comforting word in all the Scriptures. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again. He will come quickly, when least expected.

Worthy are you, our Lord and God! Revelation 4:11

He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! Revelation 2:7

Behold, Jesus is coming soon Revelation 22:6

Life Application

How can we ignore Christ’s Words: “I am coming soon.” How can we ignore John’s writing, “Even so come, Lord Jesus!” How can we ignore those who cross our paths—those who do not know the truths of the Gospel?

Final Thought before we Leave our recent Season

Jesus was born to this world because what He came to do was desperately needed, and could not be done any other way. The disease infected every one of us. This condition was fatal, and there was nothing any of us could do to escape it or defeat it. This universal, inescapable plague is sin –Paul Tripp, in Come Let us Adore Him

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