Countdown to the end . . . #5

Vol. 4, No. 19

And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.  –Revelation 4:3-4

I have never seen a green rainbow; however, one day I will see one. Green is not the color of a rainbow that appears in our mind – it is usually the primary and secondary colors.

What does a Rainbow Speak of in Scriptures?

1 – A Significant Sign

God said, “This is a sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you” (Genesis 9:12-16). The rainbow is a sign, a proclamation, that God will never forget His promises. That is significant. How many people can trust our promises? Note, also, that God’s covenant is made without negotiation. It is His covenant with us and He holds the covenant to reside with who He is.

2 – A Seen Message

No one saw a rainbow prior to the flood. The rainbow is a message of God to be seen, and read about in His Word. The rainbow is proof; ALL promises God makes, He keeps. In Heaven, the rainbow surrounds His holiness.

3 – A Statement of His Word

The first rainbow was promised by God, before His Word was written to mankind. One of the first writers God used to record His Word to mankind was Moses. Moses repeatedly declared this is what the Lord says! Psalm 19:1 declares, the heavens declare the glory of God.

4 – A Statement of Character

The rainbow exposes a principle that God’s promises are true for every generation. His Words are backed by His character. What do our words say about our character?

5 – A Speaking in Color

The rainbow we see contains several colors; yet, green is the color that is significant – it cannot be missed. Green is the color of eternality – the eternality of God, and the eternality the believer has through faith in Christ. The One promising eternal life is eternal Himself; thus, His character is reflected in His Word of Promise (Hebrews 13:5-6, 15). The Word of God lives and abides forever (1 Peter 1:23). The Word became flesh and dwelt among men (John 1:14). The One who is the Word became the Door for ALL who will come (John 10:9).

6 – A State of Paradox

The rainbow is a combination of storm and sunshine, reflecting on the reality of life upon the earth. In the storm, there is an ongoing war with the old nature, the demands of the flesh; the temptation is to yield. In the sunshine, is the promise of the new nature, salvation, justification, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the filling and leading of the Holy Spirit. Sunshine is a picture of God’s grace. There is no  paradox in the rainbow that surrounds the throne, for it is the picture of eternal grace that is made to ALL who will come to the throne.

7 – A State that follows Judgment

The rainbow follows judgment. The believer receives right standing thorough receiving Christ as Savior. Believers have been judged for our sin, once for all, pictured in the safety of the rainbow, green in color, for ALL of eternity. The rainbow around the throne pictures God’s grace to ALL who choose to come to Him.

How is your rainbow looking today? Is it multi-colored, or is it green?

Behold, Jesus is coming soon to take you home to Heaven; His words are faithful and true (Revelation 22:6).

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May 12, 2019

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