Vol. 4, No. 21 – May 26, 2019
And I saw a great white throne, and I saw the One who was sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from His presence, but they found no place to hide. –Revelation 20:11
Did you know that God has judgments (more than one) that we need to recognize? Judgment is a sobering word!
Seven Things We Need to Recognize Regarding God’s Judgments
1 – Judgment frightens us
Judgment frightens us; it is intentional that it should do so. It also gets our attention by arousing our fears.
2 – Judgment sobers us
Judgment sobers us, forcing us to reassess the way we live. It changes our priorities. I have worked with alcoholics and addicts – it is surprising how sober they can get when the judge comes their way. For the one who is drunk in their own course of life, this judgment “thing” should be sobering.
3 – Judgment corrects us
Judgment corrects us, forcing us to face the unpleasant truth about ourselves. We do not like that! Judgment acts as a mirror, reflecting who we are, what we are, and why we are the way we have chosen to be.
4 – Judgment humbles us
Judgment humbles us; forcing us to recognize we are not in control of our circumstances; however, we have a great need for seeking the wisdom and guidance of God. Sadly, too many of us lean on our own understanding. Solomon has a lot to say about that (so did mom and dad).
5 – Judgment reassures us
Judgment reassures us; a paradox that in God’s words, we actually gain comfort. It is not that God relishes judgment; the Lord will rise up . . . to do His work. His strange work, and perform His task. His alien task (Habakkuk 3:2).
6 – Judgment displays God’s love for us
Judgment displays God’s love—it is the very love of God that makes Him judge! He loves His creation and humanity, He hates sin since sin destroys that which He creates. He must judge to eliminate evil once and for all, to bring His blessings to His creation; His humanity.
7 – Judgment displays God’s severity; His , mercy for us
Judgment displays God’s severity—the effects His mercy. That brings thanksgiving from His own. That brings His child to be under His protection and watchcare. That points to Him as our refuge!
Behold, Jesus is coming soon to take you home to Heaven; His words are faithful and true (Revelation 22:6)