Strengthened in the Kingdom

Vol.5, No. 04 – February 10, 2020

Leadership in a Time of Crisis

2 Chronicles 1:1

Solomon the son of David established himself in the kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great. –2 Chronicles 1:1

Names mean things. Solomon means shalom, peace. He is the 10th son of David, the second by Bathsheba, and the third king of Israel (reigning for 40 years). It could be a cloudless dawn of a spring morning when Solomon’s dad said, I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man. –1 Kings 2:2

This is a great example of leadership; modeled for not only his son, but also for the people of the land. From his family upbringing, watching his mentor-father David, with a tender heart praying for divine wisdom, to the seven years of building the Temple, and his memorable message of dedication and prayer.

Three words describe Solomon’s early kingship, Wisdom, Wealth, and Worship. It is clear that the Lord God was with Solomon, exalting him. Now it is most likely summer, with a great harvest, but also evidences of early fall.

This strong leader, in an unparalleled focus, does surgery on the sagging ruling party of the nation; reconstructing the way governing should flow. For at least 20 years, Solomon smooths the nation’s wrinkles. During that time a grand estate develops with houses, resorts, stables, pools, fortresses, and a gorgeous home. Then there is a breathtaking Temple.

In our world’s history we have had Einstein’s, Nobel and Pulitzer winners, economic presidents, some of great intelligence – however, none with authentic spirituality wedded to academic excellence. Solomon spoke 3000 Proverbs, lectured on trees, animals, birds, and fish. He composed 1005 songs. Peoples from all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon (1 Kings 4:34).

When the Queen of Sheba came (from over 1400 miles away) to hear his wisdom, it is said that her breath was taken away. Solomon possessed outstanding earthly greatness, he was a man of noted affairs (pun intended), and possessed wisdom greater than any earthly being. Here is an outstanding ruler, a lover of peace, and an “establisher” of a powerful nation. His recorded judgments set precedents that still impact nations today. Solomon created institutions operating in a fashion that surpassed the weaknesses of man’s feeble attempts at wisdom.

What we have in this brief outline of Solomon is a multi-tasking, multi-talented, extraordinary energetic leader. What he became in leadership is a result of using the gifts God gave him; using them to the fullest.

When one does that, it gives glory to God. There are lessons to learn from Solomon (both in the successes and the failures). Solomon is an author, composer, architect, administrator, diplomat, and businessman. What an incredible read.

Life Application

Are we really using the gifts that God has given us? What are the goals and accomplishments that are on God’s expectation list for us? In our current time of crisis, we have the same privilege as Solomon, to ask for wisdom. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. –James 1:5

Leadership in a time of crisis is always available—if we would but ask our Almighty God!

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Written by

February 9, 2020

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