Courage . . .

Vol.5, No. 16 – May 10, 2020 Leadership in a Time of Crisis

In the seventh year Jehoiada took courage and entered into a covenant with the commanders of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, Azarith the son of Obed, Masseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat, the son of Zichri. . . . . –2 Chronicles 23:1

This is not just a story. This is an account. This did not happen in Haiti, Argentina, Zaire, Ukraine, China, North Korea or a Central American country.

This is a coup d’etat, led by religious men—not a military general; not a mafia-type political party; nor is this just a religious motivated riot. It is a sudden, forceful over-throw of a Godless central government. When a nation gets tired of the corruption of the leaders of the country, over-throw may well happen. It could happen where we live.

Fear gripped the nation. The Queen is wicked, ruthless, vindictive; an idolatrous ruler. Every potential heir to the throne is dead. Murdered. Except . . . a one-year-old. One exception.

Little Joash, a descendant of King David, is rescued by his aunt, and then hidden away in a storage room in the Temple. He remains hidden for  S I X  years.

Now the coup begins . . .   

Jehoiada plots with five covenanters. He sends army officers to secretly travel across the nation (this a small nation), to find some mercenaries that will swear allegiance to the royal family. In the blackness of night, in the lower rooms of the palace, behind closed doors, key men gather, and then they move into the folds of the Temple. That is true history.

Unfortunately, it is the operating standard today in our world, even plotted in our own country by socialist minded groups (not Christians; political re-shapers of the nation).

These have battle plans. It is intriguing.

  1. One third are to stand guard at the front door of the church (Temple).
  2. One third are to, secretly, spread throughout the city near the home of the soon to be dethroned Queen.
  3. One third are to be bodyguards for the “exception” –the boy prince.

Jehoiada’s instructions: The Levites shall surround the king, each with his weapons in his hand. And whoever enters the house shall be put to death. Be with the king when he comes in and when he goes out! (23:7).

The next morning, as the new day sun is rising over the Mount of Olives, Jehoiada brings the now seven-year-old, boy prince into the main courtyard. He places the crown on his head, hands him a copy of the Law, and the people begin to shout. Long live the king! (23:11)

What follows is the total toppling and liquidation of Queen Athaliah (23:12-21).

Then this Queen is executed at the entrance of the horse gate of the king’s house.

Life Application

People of God are expected to live with courage, conviction, and intention. It makes a difference in the nation. God does not call His people to act without integrity; He gives us principles to live out in the nation.

The Scriptures picture Jehoiada, next to Samuel, as one of the outstanding priests in the Old Testament. Jehoiada uses God’s expectations to accomplish what is needed in a time of crisis. Jehoiada finishes well, at the ripe old age of 130 years.

How will we finish? Hopefully, well with God.

Jehoiada, the priest, a godly leader in that time of crisis, died at 130. He was buried with honor in the City of David. He is buried with the kings because he did God’s good for Israel and for the Temple. He spread the fame of his treasure, Almighty God. How are we doing?

The memory of the righteous is a blessing . . .  –Proverbs 10:7

Leadership in a time of crisis is always available—if we would but ask our Almighty God!

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Written by

May 10, 2020

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