Joy of the Son of God

December 14, 2020

Joy of the Son of God – Hebrews 10:5-7

Dr. Larry S. Lightner

When Christ came into the world, He said, “Sacrifices and offerings You have not desired, but a body have You prepared for Me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings You have taken no pleasure. Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God, as it is written of Me in the scroll of the book.'” –Hebrews 10:5-7

Interesting that we find a Christmas story according to Christ in the book of Hebrews. Jesus’ story takes us in a different path for Advent. He came with a unique purpose. He came and was conscious of coming for the specific purpose of doing His Father’s will—to be our Savior. Most of our Christmas stories hover around the nativity. Jesus’ story hovers around doing the will of His Father. Jesus came that He might die for our salvation.

We also understand from the passage that he was knowledgeable that He was the perfect One to fulfill that purpose. Sometimes there are those who think they are here for a noble purpose, but they have no capacity to fulfil it. Jesus was the perfect “fulfiller”.

In the Christmas story of Jesus, we discover another truth. Jesus was delighted to do the Father’s will—there are versions of the Bible that use those exact words! Also, it appears in Psalm 40. Jesus was satisfied in His ministry. In the 22nd Psalm there is a description of His death by crucifixion. Toward the end of the Psalm, He is praising God. He expresses His satisfaction in Isaiah 53:11.

There is never an indication that Jesus looks at His Father’s will, and utters that someone has to do it, so He guesses He will do it for His Father. No. He is satisfied to do His Father’s will. It is for the joy of providing salvation He does what His Father sends Him for.

It is joy unspeakable. It is inexpressible. It is indescribable. It is His joy to bring the sons and daughters of God into Glory. We should be joyful as well. This kind of joy is not found in giving Christmas gifts to one another—in a form of lighthearted Christmas celebration. It is not due to a pretty story we tell children. It is because our Lord and Savior was joyful to come to be our Savior. If He is joyful, we too should be joyful.

Notice, also, Jesus says “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” It is the sense of “Here I am.” It is in the sense of the continuing present. He is with us always, yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus came never to depart from those who would come to Him. What great joy He brings!

Life Application

The Advent stories live. They are never not current. God speaks them because His desire is for all to come to Him and never perish. Jesus who came those many years ago is preparing to come again. It is His joy to come and take us home to heaven to be with Him eternally. 

Have you found the Lord Jesus Christ who came at Christmas to be our Savior? Have you placed your complete trust in Him? Look at the words of the Christmas carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, you cannot miss His message.


  1. Pray for churches in our area that they would be faithful in teaching/preaching the Gospel.

Pray that churches would share the joy of Christ broadly to our communities

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December 14, 2020

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