The Announcement of Joy

December 15, 2020

The Announcement of Joy – Luke 2:10-11

Bo Nelson

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. –Luke 2:10-11

Every year we are reminded of the greatest announcement that has ever been made to mankind. And this announcement was not made by royal herald’s, skilled trumpeters, or even earthly kings. This announcement deserved a far more angelic proclamation. It was a message of high importance that demanded a messenger of a nobler value.

And this message was not given to the noblest, the wisest, the richest, or even to the kings. It was given to shepherds, who were the lowly in society. Just as Jesus was born in a manger and not in a castle, the message was given to the low and despised in order to show how God would go low in humility to save sinners.

What was this message that demanded such a messenger? It was the message of great joy. The people of Israel had been anticipating the long-awaited Messiah and He had finally been born. The Savior of the world has stepped into time to redeem His people from the penalty of sin, to be the wrath bearer for all who would believe. What a cause for great joy!

This was indeed good news, and it was indeed of great joy. The focus of the good news pointed all the way to the person of Christ, the Savior of the world, who is our joy. And He is not simply our joy, He is our great joy. The great announcement from the angelic being was that true joy had arrived. There is no more of a reason to sit in gloom, no more of a reason to live in anticipation, but all the more reasons to rejoice and sing with the heavenly choir, “Glory to God in the Highest” for joy has come.

Life Application

If Jesus is your joy, then what in life can rob you of it? What is in competition for your joy? When you consider all the aspects of this life that bring you joy, do you find yourself more captivated by those joys or at the wonder of the revelation of the joy in Christ Jesus? When you look at your spouse, your children, your accomplishments, your friends, your family, do you find yourself satisfied in them, or do you notice a greater satisfaction in Jesus and all that He is too you?

Christmas time serves as an opportunity for us to be reminded of what true joy is and gives us an opportunity to reflect upon what brings us the greatest sense of joy. And where we fall short, we can humbly come before the King in repentance and faith expecting a restoration of joy.


  1. Pray that God will work in such a way in your heart so that you know that Jesus is your Joy.
  2. Pray that God will work through you for the joy of those around you.

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December 15, 2020

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