Brunch at the Reveille Café

Vol. 7, No. 10 – March 13, 2022

Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? –Matthew 6:25

There is a breakfast and lunch place close to Mars Hill (Kennesaw GA), called Reveille Café; Donna and I love to go there. It is a special place. There is a great menu offering; dishes you cannot find elsewhere. However, that is not the only reason we go there. The manager has become acquainted with us. He is originally from Turkey. His staff is meticulously trained and a delightful group. We know each of them by name; some we know deeper because we have become friends.

Reveille, in the military, offers a wake-up alarm. At the Reveille Café, we get our bodies and minds woke with the good food. We get our hearts woke because we care for the people. We call our time’s brunch because the breakfast we eat satisfies for lunch as well.

It started for us when we began to say to our server, we are going to pray over our meal and thank God for our good food—is there anything we can pray for you? Amazing things have happened as we have done that. We have had servers thank us. Come back to us and thank us again, often with eyes of tears.

Not long ago, I went back to school. I graduated with a business degree in New York. I intended to teach business. However, as God gets your attention, He sometimes has other plans. So off to seminary for a Master of Theology degree, also called an MDiv. I determined that it was the last degree I was going to get! Ever! God laughed.

Then I pursued a Ph.D. in Education. I was in the phase of writing my dissertation at Temple University when God moved me to New York again. Then to the inner-city of Chicago. Then to Ohio (Cuyahoga Falls). From there, God allowed we should go to Dallas, Georgia. Most of you did not know there was such a place.

I went back to seminary and completed a DMin in Christian Education.

We, Donna and I, continued to do church ministry, not always in the pulpit. I also taught in a Bible Institute, and a local Christian School (middle school and high school). And we discovered Reveille Café.

Donna has been my right hand in ministry. She also edited my dissertation for my DMin—all 489 pages. God gave me a real gift in Donna. Marriage is special for us. We have now completed 59 years of marriage and in 2023 we will hopefully complete 60 years of marriage. We go to the same places, and we will be in the same place in eternity.

We have four sons. Three have married wonderful young women. One has stayed single. He chooses that. Now we have 13 grandchildren. Maybe there are great-grandchildren in our future. Life is full of history for us.

I did not tell you—in the first year we frequented Reveille Café, the manager approached us to ask us if we would be willing to appear on TV. Well, does the sunrise each morning? We gladly did. It was an enjoyable interview. We were on the 5 pm news and the 11 pm news. We did not see the news—we do not do TV any longer. We do get our news online though. My son sent us video clips of the TV broadcast, so we did get to see it.

Next week, I get to tell you about a couple of books I wrote. We have given them away to a number of people, including our servers (and the management), at Reveille Café. You will be amazed at the results of having those books published.

Life Application

Have you ever asked the question: Why was I born when I was born, in the country where I was born, in the place where I was born? Why?

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart –Jeremiah 29:11-13.

That is the answer. God has always had a plan for your life. However, one must enter that plan for God to have His plans for your life come to fruition. Perhaps you will meet a server at a local restaurant who needs to hear what Jesus has done. Maybe they need prayer. Do not miss His plan, it is built specifically for you.

Every day you rise, God has already arranged for someone to cross your path. They do so not by accident, but according to plan. What are you going to do with that?

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March 13, 2022

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