Vol. 7, No. 33 – August 21, 2022

I slept, but my heart was awake. A sound! My beloved is knocking. –Song of Songs 5:2

In my repertoire of illustrations, I have some things I have neglected to jot down the source. The following conversation is one of those:

Excuse me, but where does that door go? No one knows. Have you tried to find out? Yes, but it is locked. You can see for yourself. So, you just stay here in this room? Yes, we like it here; we have everything we need. It is comfortable and no one wants to go further. How long have you been here? It depends on when you get here. Some have been here most of their lives. What do you do with your time? We stay busy. Meetings. Elections. Committees to serve on. Seminars. All that sort of thing. The door. Has anyone thought of knocking? And—what? Knocking. On what? On the door. We would never do that. We are busy. Besides, you never know what might be on the other side. Some have actually knocked. Then the door opened, and they went in. We have never seen them again. We figure if He wants us to move on, He will come to get us.

Wait a second. He told us to knock, and the door would be opened. Yes, but we already did that. That is what brought us here in the first place. How do you know He meant for this to happen only once? Well, you know; Revelation 3:20 and all. I want to find out. Besides, if He opens the door, what have I to fear? Suit yourself. Who is that knocking on the other side of the door?

What is the point? Asking. Did you notice all the question marks? Did you notice that few replies include questions? Except when challenged.

What does Jesus say about asking? The asking is implied. The action is expected. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come into him and eat with him, and he with Me. –Revelation 3:20.

We are too often intimidated by doors that we know little or nothing about. Have you ever walked a neighborhood and knocked on doors? Hi. My name is Larry. I am from your neighborhood church. I am doing a survey. Could I ask you a few questions?

How comfortable is that? Not. The survey is a ruse. The intent of those that sent you into the neighborhood is to manipulate the one who answers the door, to hear the plan of salvation you have been taught for the last six months.

The largest percentage of folks that answer their doors will respond to forthright conversation. You do not have to wear white dress shirts and black slacks (plus the nametag), or a white blouse and black skirt (plus a nametag). You do not have to bring magazines and offer free Bible studies at a local hall. Having a conversation about the most important life and death issue is not only not difficult, but it is a straightforward conversation.

Yes, introduce yourself as being from their local neighborhood church. Yes, tell them that you are interested in sharing with them the greatest news they will ever hear. Help them be comfortable in hearing what you have to say. Which is what?

Life Application

What is important for my conversation. The asking.

  1. Ask if it would be okay to share with them your experience.
  2. Tell them about the past things that prompted you to accept Christ. This is not raw confession time. It is a time to demonstrate that your life was probably just like theirs.
  3. Tell them what you found out. This is your story. They will listen to your story.
  4. Tell them what you said back to God. They have likely asked internally what they could do with their life situation before God.
  5. Then tell them the difference that decision has made in your life.
  6. Then ask. Ask if they have had a similar experience.
  7. Then ask. Ask if you can explain what God expects for someone to have a personal relationship with God. Ask. Then you will often get to speak from the Scriptures.
  8. Then ask. Ask if this is what they would like to do today.


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August 21, 2022

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