Only One is Worthy

Vol.4, No. 38 – September 22, 2019

Countdown to the end . . . Only One is Worthy – 25

And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals? . . .The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, , so that He can open the scroll and its seven seals.” –Revelation 5:2, 5

When it comes to the final innings of a baseball game, the manager will bring out of the bullpen one of his very best closers to clinch the victory. When a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract is on the table, a company brings their very best to close the deal. When the prosecution and defense have all had their say, it is often the role of the judge to close the case.

“Closers” are individuals who can step-up, being qualified, and deliver when time has run out. They have the control, they have authority, they have the knowledge, they have the reliability, and they have the ability for bringing things, to a fitting conclusion.

However, none of these are fitting – no athlete who can play their best game, no business man who is a “deal cutter,” nor even a judge who is at their best to close cases are qualified to be worthy in this matter before Almighty God. This matter of bringing closure to human history. Who is it that is worthy to be there in command of the end?

Chapter five describes a scene in heaven, just prior to the final events unfolding. There is a scramble to get a proper answer to a question bouncing across God’s Heaven. Who is worthy? The short list of candidates to fill the role goes to the extreme of shortness. It is as though a panic ensues. Who is worthy? An amazing situation. There is only one; the list thins down to just One!

Why is this One, called the Lamb (and the Lion of Judah), worthy to bring closure to human history?

  • Because He was slain (verse 9).
  • Because His wounds pointed to a complete submission and obedience to God’s will
  • Because He has a lock on godly integrity!
  • Because He purchased us (redeemed us out of the slave market of sin) (verse 9).
  • Because His blood has provided widespread redemption for every person born, and to be born, all over our world
  • Because He has authority!
  • Because He has made His people a kingdom and made them priests to serve God (verse 10)
  • Because His life brings a compelling transformation into our lives
  • Because He is absolutely capable!

And in the throne room there is an eruption, a breakout of song and there is praise, for One who is worthy! Here is the only One worthy to bring closure. This One, is the one to whom we can have complete confidence—it is the Lamb, it is the Lion of Juda. He is worthy; He is the only one who is able to break the seals and open the scroll.

It is time. It is the right time. He is the only one to handle it right. He will complete the task.

Since He is worthy, because of His integrity, authority, capability, righteousness, sacrifice, and obedience to step-up and deliver at such a momentous time in our future; can I not trust Him for what is on my plate now???

Yes, I can. So can you!

Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. –Philippians 2:9-11

Worthy are you, our Lord and God! Revelation 4:11

He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! Revelation 2:7

Behold, Jesus is coming soon to take you home to Heaven; His words are faithful and true  Revelation 22:6

Life Application

How should we live our lives, knowing that Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation, and is worthy to have authority over all earthly and heavenly events and needs? How do our lives reflect Him in our living, so that others will experience the truth of His worthiness in their own lives?

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September 22, 2019

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