Liberty of Life

Vol. 7, No. 26 – July 3, 2022

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil –Ephesians 6:10-11.

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he writes a list of what armor the Christian soldier needs to wear. There is no provision in Scripture for taking the armor off, ever. We need to put it on because we have taken it off!! Not good.

When we do not put on the armor of God, or we take it off, we weaken ourselves and all those around us. So, what does this armor look like? Contemplate what the armor is.

  1. The helmet of salvation (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

As the helmet fits over the mind, thank God that you are His child (1 John 4:4). Take time to praise God for eternal life. Claim the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).

  • The Breastplate of Righteousness (Psalm 66:18)

Search your heart—ask questions of your heart. Confess—agree with God about your heart (1 John 1:9). Claim Christ’s righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).

  • The Belt of Truth (James 4:3)

There is value in truth. If we are to function in life, we need to know what is true. We also need to be true to ourselves; to not deceive ourselves. If we are going to major in truth, we need also to understand that Satan is a liar. How do we know his lies? From the comparison to the truth of God’s Word. We also need to be aware of our emotions. They can control us and take us to violate what we know to be true.

  • Feet shod with Preparation for the Gospel of Peace (1 Timothy 2:1, 3-4)

We always need to go prepared for our battles, praying ahead. Too often we begin to pray in the heat of the battle when we should have prayed before entering the battle. Be prepared to share the Gospel. Be prepared to intercede. (Romans 10:1)

  • Take the Sword of the Spirit in your Hand and Heart (Matthew 4:1-10)

Grasp the Word. Take it in. We think, speak, and act in each degree of what we place in our hearts. If we are not energized through the Word, we rely on something other than God’s Word. Satan is given a hand up by our neglect of taking in the Word. (Hebrews 4:12) Let the Spirit use the Word that is in your heart. We know that which we put in. Pray on the basis of the Word; indeed, pray the Word. John 16:13-15

  • Put on the Shield of Faith (Mark 11:24)

In the NT time, the shield was made of wood. The arrows that were shot were burning. As the arrows sunk into the shield they would extinguish; thus, were ineffective. With the Shield of Faith we have victory (1 John 5:4). With the Shield of Faith, we can advance. (James 2:20) And, as we learn above, the Shield of Faith quenches the fiery darts of Satan.

  • Pray (Ephesians 6:18)

Pray when you seek release. Pray when you are attacked. Pray when you are on the attack. John 5:19.

Life Application

As a believer, we walk through all kinds of streets, take all kinds of roads, and live in every kind of neighborhood. Our beliefs are often under attack. Satan is hard at work.

God has created us to be free in Him. He urges us to be prepared as situations cross our paths. There is always something crossing our path.

God tells us that we need to wear the right protective attire. He lists seven kinds of attire to focus upon.

As you think about what appeared in today’s blog, you might want to consider how each applies to your current life. What areas of your attire have you allowed to get weak? What pieces do you need God’s help for strengthening?

Truth is not for debate by atheists or agnostics–their verbiage has to contend with truth. Christ is the climactic point of our salvation. God alters the course of history, decisively. This was announced beforehand in the Scriptures and was attested to by eyewitnesses. The Scriptures say that the truth will set you free. We are living in a time when people’s truth is not always God’s truth. Therefore, their truth will not bring freedom or protection. July 4th is a good day to be reminded of His grace as He placed you in a nation where people are still free to speak the truth.

Life was never promised to be easy. How is today going? What does He say to do?

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July 3, 2022

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